Bead and Button ~ Booth 1222



I will be sharing a booth at Bead and Button with my buddy Samma Parcels, and I have been working like crazy on inventory for the show. Here are just a few that I finished up this weekend. So far, I have 105 focals and a few bead sets ready to go, and will be posting more pictures over the next few weeks.If you make the show, please be sure to stop by booth 1222 and say hi! We would love to meet you! Have a great week, and as always, thanks for peeking!

Happy Mother's Day


It has been a wonderful Mother's Day! The day started with Brittney showing up this morning with trays of beautiful shade-loving flowers that she planted in the front yard and at the back door. What a wonderful gift, and one I will enjoy all summer long! Thanks Brittney, being your Mom has been the most rewarding role in my life.

While out in the yard "helping", the Fed Ex man delivered a box of roses and chocolates...and a very special card that warmed my heart so much. They were from a young man that I worked with years ago, and we kind of adopted each other....he called me his Indy-Mom. He is now serving our great country in Afghanistan. Thanks Dan, your kindness means so much, and you will never know how proud I am of you!

Steve bought dinner tonight, a perfect finish to a perfect day. I feel blessed beyond belief, and thankful for all the love in my life.

While trying to get over this flu-bug the past two weeks, I have managed to torch a bit. I'm trying to get enough inventory for Bead and Button (Booth 1222). This is my first year to do this show, so I have no idea what to expect. So far, I have about ninety focals, and a few bead sets. With only four more weeks to torch, I need to get it in gear! Above is a focal from this weekend.

Happy Mother's Day!!! I wish you all a great week, and thanks for peeking!