Artworks Gallery in Muncie, Indiana has invited me to be the featured artist the month of October. How exciting! In keeping with the theme, "Turning Over A New Leaf", I plan to concentrate on electroformed leaf beads. The reception night is scheduled for Thursday, October 2, 2008 from 5:00 to 8:00 PM ~ It would be wonderful to see you there! ( Address information )
I wanted to wait until it was official to share this bit of news. I was contacted by the Indiana State Museum a few weeks ago, and honored with an invitation to participate as an Artist in Residence the month of November. It is very exciting that the art of lampworking will be represented at such a beautiful museum, and I will do my best to do it justice.
Each Saturday the month of November, I will give a two hour presentation/demonstration on the art of lampworking. They will also display an exhibit of my work and offer my beads for sale in the gift shop. I am currently working on a Powerpoint presentation, as well as new bead creations to show. Click here for Presentation Dates and Times.
Blue, amber, ivory, hand pulled cane, silver plum dots, CZ's and copper mesh.
Amethyst, ivory, hand pulled cane, silver plum dots, CZ's and copper mesh
I apologize for not getting beads listed this week as intended, but it has been very busy around here! I will try to get a few posted soon. Thanks for the inquiries and interest.