I bought a lapidary machine at Bead and Button this past June, and have not had time to play, until this weekend. Torch buddy Samma Parcels and I got together Friday and made test beads to lap. We got together this morning and had a blast grinding and polishing :) (Check out Samma's bead too)
I decided to do florals and encased them in dark fumed ivory. I was so happy with how the floral beads turned out, it was hard to cover them up with the ivory! The roses in the first bead are made from rose cane that Dee Sipe and I made over a year ago using the tutorial from the Tonbo-Dama book. (It is always an adventure when torching with a friend!)
These are not finished. I am going to add surface decorations this evening, and will post after pictures tomorrow.
As always, thanks for peeking!